Monday, January 19, 2009

Broadus V - Easter Sunday

I mentioned in "Broadus I" that our front room was the church and our kitchen was the fellowship hall. Well, now it was Easter Sunday and we were expecting a pretty good crowd of about forty people. By now our little church had grown and several families were attending each Sunday. We had pews in the front room that had been donated by the church in Miles City, MT, only 80 miles away (the closest city). We also got a pulpit from somewhere. When we had forty people, we were packed in. But this didn't happen very often. 

So this Easter Sunday we were to have the service followed by a pot luck dinner in our fellowship hall. This meant that almost everyone had to sit in a pew holding their plate while balancing their drink on their knee. 

Well, the only problem was, it was earlier this week that the skunks had stunk up the house. Although the odor had faded quite a bit by now, it was still quite prevalent. But this was the only place we had to hold church. I was almost hoping that nobody would come. But they did come. We had record numbers. Our front room was full.... and.... and.... it was getting warm in there, which brought out the skunk smell even more. When people came in, I pretended that everything was okay. So did they. We started the service and began to sing. It was really hard taking those deep breaths between phrases of the songs. I nearly gagged. I could taste the skunk smell on my tongue. I gagged through five or six songs. Preaching was no better. But, surprisingly, Everyone seemed to sing very spiritedly. I guess they were just happy to have a church.

Afterward we had our pot luck dinner. I'm telling you, fried chicken just doesn't taste the same when everything smells like skunk. I noticed that several people took their plates outside. Yet, through all this, no one mentioned the odor. Believe me, we didn't store any left overs in Tupperware either.  All-in-all, it was a pretty successful Sunday.

I hope you weren't reading this during lunch. If you were, be sure to wash it all down with a good strong cup of hot coffee. Maybe scalding your tongue will kill the taste.

There is more tomorrow.

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