Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks a Lot!

Well, Turkey Day 2008 is here. Those of us who believe in God call this "Thanksgiving." I believe that it is still Thanksgiving on the calendar. And there is a lot to be thankful for. In fact, there is more to be thankful for than most of us realize. 

I want to start with God, Himself. All blessings begin with Him. I am especially thankful for His ever watching over us. Not a sparrow falls to the earth without His knowing, and the very hairs of our head are numbered. Now that must be a job because the number hairs on my head vary from day to day. You bald people must make God's job easier. God has supplied all our needs and has always been there in the time of need. He has felt our pains and sorrows and has healed both. He has blessed us with children, over whom, He also watches. But most of all, He has forgiven our sins and given us the bright hope of heaven.

I am thankful for my wife, who seems to somehow understand me, and still like me. She has been the greatest blessing and joy in my life. And just so everyone knows, I had nothing to do with her facelift. But I am thankful we could pay for it. Audrey keeps a clean and neat house, she makes great meals, and she shakes out the mattress pad every day (for which I am also thankful).

I am thankful for great kids. Three wonderful daughters: Rana, Amy, and Sonia. Each one has been a blessing to me over this past year. Rana and Sonia live far away, so I don't get to see them often enough. Amy is not so far away and I don't see her often enough either. Each daughter is unique and brings joy and fulfillment to my life.

I am thankful for our sons-in-law who have provided our daughters and grandchildren good homes. This is a real blessing. However, our daughters also do their share in providing the good homes.

I am thankful for our grandchildren, whom I hope will not forget their elderly grandparents as the years go by. Our grandkids are a real blessing to us and I wish we could see them more. It is a joy to watch them grow and develop. Sorry kids that we didn't catch any fish.

I am thankful for our home. Both my wife and I really love our house. The only thing else we would wish for is a third stall on the garage and an enclosed back porch (and a few less cars parked on the street). 

I am thankful for our jobs that abundantly supply our needs. Audrey and I are both self employed which gives us a degree of flexibility with our work. Even in these hard times we have both been busy and have had work. 

I am thankful for our church, Westminster Church of the Nazarene. Our pastor, Dr. Stan Reeder, has been a real blessing to us. Our pastor shows vision and is able to deliver God's Word in an interesting and understandable way. I never leave church without having had my soul fed. And our church has afforded me an opportunity to serve in a capacity where I can use my skills and talents to help others.

I am thankful for our nation. With all its problems, there is yet much that is great about the United States of America. There is no other place on this planet that I would rather live than right here. We have freedoms and wealths that other nations don't even dare to dream about. We have peace, security, safety, freedom, opportunity, and much, much more.

Thanks to God from Whom all blessings flow. Thank Him all creatures here below. Thank Him above ye heavenly host. Thank Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

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