Monday, January 18, 2010


The most important person in my life is my wife, Audrey. She was beautiful the day I met her, beautiful the day I married her and is beautiful yet today at the age of 58. But even more beautiful is her quiet, constant, and calming spirit. I know of no one else who can fly out of town every week and work in another city and still have the time to pay attention to her kids, and relatives, visit her mom in North Dakota, go to church and read the Bible through in one year.

Yesterday was her birthday. We had time for a nice celebration before I took her to the airport where she boarded a plane for Dallas. Our daughter Amy and her three kids were here. We had a great time. The menu was spaghetti, French bread, angel food cake with strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and cool whip. O how the kids love the cool whip!

And of course, I brewed a pot of Starbuck's coffee.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

On the Roof

I have often wondered about those who build their house on top of a mountain. Why do they do it? It just seems like an awful lot of work to get home. Why would anyone do it? Well, today I got my answer.

Today I went up above Golden to do some roof repairs. A very curvy road wound up the mountain until I saw a sign that said, hidden entrance. That was the beginning of this guy's driveway. His driveway wound up the mountain for about a half-mile. This was real hairpin turns with no railing. Then I pulled up to this huge chalet with a triple car garage. I met the owner, Steve, then we went up on the roof. The sight was absolutely awesome. The road below us looked like a tiny ribbon. Downtown Denver was in the distance and looked absolutely small. The eagles were spiraling over head. And the landscape was gorgeous.

Steve explained that elk sleep in the back yard, pumas live on the next ridge, and that coyotes ate two of his dogs. He explained that the trail to the Gregory gold mine went right past his property. There was a town of 300 voters whose sole job was to assist speculators up the mountain and help them camp for the night before they moved on the gold fields. Back then Golden was.... well.... golden.

And one of the nicest parts about today's excursion up the mountain was that I found a new Starbucks.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I remember the days when socks, underwear, handkerchiefs, and scarfs were normal Christmas gifts. Yes, we even ate the fruitcake back then. We also got a big bag of curly Christmas candy, peanuts, an apple and an orange when we went to our church's Christmas service. There were five of us kids so there was a lot of candy and peanuts. The apples usually got soft spots before we got around to eating them.

This Christmas I was reminded of those days when my six-year-old grandson opened some of his gifts. He had been anxious to open the gifts. He stared under the tree and begged to open them. He was so disappointed when his first gift was socks, his second gift more socks plus underwear, his third gift pajamas. In the attached photo he is very disappointed while holding up his gifts for a picture.

Fortunately, he did get some kind of space laser gun that makes noises that will drive his mother absolutely crazy. That is thanks to grandpa and grandma (us). And he also got a wii. That was driving his mother crazy the first day.... but not his dad. In fact, I think it was his dad that was driving his mother nuts.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Run Like the Wind

Running has always been one of my favorite sports. In Jr. High I tied and all school cross country record. At basic training in Fort Leonardwood, MO I was the second fastest miler in Echo Company. Even into my 40's I kept running, usually three to five miles a day. I ran 5K, 7K, and 10K races. I ran these races in 6 to 7 minute miles. My best race was the Bolder Boulder 11 years ago. At age 49 I came in 14th in my class (ages 40-49). I felt then, that the next year I would really do well the next year in my new age class.

That was not to be. The years from running on the pavement had taken it's toll on my knees. There were times I could hardly walk. I tried to come bak several times but it always led to more pain and times of heavy medication and difficulty walking. The steroid shots began, pain pills, and glucosamine. All of this just so I could walk. This led to inactivity.... which I hate. I was using 3 ibuprofin up to 4 times a day.

Well, this past week I decided to get back on the treadmill, no matter how much it hurt. I don't know what's happening for sure, but I have been putting in two miles a day at endurance level and my knees feel better than they have for years. I'm down to 2 to 4 ibuprofin per day! And I feel a lot better.

I no longer run, but do a strenuous walk that works up a heavy sweat. I'm feeling stronger each day. But I will no longer run like the wind. I am now the tortoise versus the hare.